Avoiding argument checking in recursive calls

Jervis Whitley jervisau at gmail.com
Tue Feb 10 21:48:09 EST 2009

> I've done this:
> def _fact(n):
>    if n = 0: return 1
>    return _fact(n-1)*n
> def fact(n):
>    if n < 0: raise ValueError
>    return _fact(n)
> but that's ugly. What else can I do?
Hello, an idea is optional keyword arguments.

def fact(n, check=False):
  if not check:
    if n < 0: raise ValueError
  if n == 0: return 1
  return fact(n - 1, check=True) * n

essentially hiding an expensive check with a cheap one. It saves you
duplicating code in a separate function like in your example.

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