flexible find and replace ?
John Machin
sjmachin at lexicon.net
Mon Feb 16 21:27:16 EST 2009
On Feb 17, 7:10 am, OdarR <Olivier.Da... at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> how would you do a clever find and replace, where the value replacing
> the tag
> is changing on each occurence ?
> ".......TAG............TAG................TAG..........TAG....."
> is replaced by this :
> ".......REPL01............REPL02................REPL03..........REPL04..."
> A better and clever method than this snippet should exist I hope :
> counter = 1
> while 'TAG' in mystring:
> mystring=mystring.replace('TAG', 'REPL'+str(counter), 1)
> counter+=1
> ...
> (the find is always re-starting at the string beginning, this is not
> efficient.
> any ideas ? thanks,
C:\junk>type fancyrepl.py
def fancyrepl(tag, replfunc, input_string):
count = 0
pieces = []
pos = 0
taglen = len(tag)
while 1:
newpos = input_string.index(tag, pos)
except ValueError:
return ''.join(pieces)
count += 1
pos = newpos + taglen
tests = [
for test in tests:
print ' <', repr(test)
result = fancyrepl('XXX', lambda n: 'SUB%d' % n, test)
print ' >', repr(result)
< ''
> ''
< 'XXX'
> 'SUB1'
> 'SUB1SUB2'
< 'abcdeXXX'
> 'abcdeSUB1'
< 'XXXfghij'
> 'SUB1fghij'
< 'abcdeXXXfghij'
> 'abcdeSUB1fghij'
< 'abcdeXXXfghijXXXpqrst'
> 'abcdeSUB1fghijSUB2pqrst'
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