Found a very nice, small, cross-platform GUI toolkit for Python.
laplacian42 at
laplacian42 at
Tue Feb 17 02:02:19 EST 2009
On Feb 17, 1:21 am, Python Nutter <pythonnut... at> wrote:
> > Note: spelling is "OcempGUI". Also, since google broke some of the
> > links,
> > here's that main link again:
> Thats my bad or more to the point my iPhone bad, typing fast with
> spellcheck changes words to real dictionary words.
> > Well, to be fair, SDL is pretty commonly-used software and they offer
> > binary downloads for Mac OS X and MS Windows. Pygame seems to provide
> > the same. So, installation should be a breeze.
> Not on Mac. To get SDL, PyObjC, PyGame and other dependencies
> installed on the platform you are talking on downloading and
> installing close to 50MB+ of packages before you get to the point
> where you install the OcempGUI package.
Funny you should mention this. I'd just been getting it installed on a
Mac I have access to. Here's what it took:
1. Install a Python from Something about the Pygame
installer not wanting to use the system Python. Also, it wants v2.5.
Ok. (As an aside, that's about 19 MB.) This is a mpkg file in a dmg,
so the install is trivial.
2. Now SDL. This one is just a drag-and-drop to your `/Library/
Frameworks` folder. Easy, but the user will have to look into the
README to know what to do. (1 MB)
3. Now PyObjC. Another mpkg file. It's available at the pygame site.
(6 MB)
4. Pygame. An mpkg in a zip file. (9 MB)
5. Whoops. Surprise. NumPy is required. mpkg in a dmg. (3 MB)
6. Finally, OcempGUI. This is a `sudo python install`. (4 MB)
That's 42 MB all told, admin rights required, and the examples are
running. Pretty neat.
> Thats a lot to ask of a user
[sigh] Probably. Unless maybe all the prereq's were gathered together
with a script to run through and install them all one after another.
> just to run my one program on their
> system.
Well, it will allow them to run *any* OcempGUI program thereafter, but
I see your point.
> If it was just myself and I wanted to go through the process
> for educational/self-benefit I wouldn't mind. But TkInter is already installed (0 dependencies) and on every Mac out
> there
Just tried that. Didn't know it was all installed (Tcl/Tk too) and
ready to go. Wow that's pretty darn convenient.
> I also have this sneaking suspicion that the BDFL is secretly on the
> sidelines waiting for the Tk tile theming engine to mature as if it
> does and becomes standard in Python distributions I would say the
> justification for learning wx and qt would be diminished by an unknown
> quantity.
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