Problems with OS X 10.5.6 and Python 2.5 and GDAL 1.6
Ned Deily
nad at
Thu Feb 19 14:16:45 EST 2009
In article <nad-D1A1B2.10514619022009 at>,
Ned Deily <nad at> wrote:
> It looks like you have installed GDAL to the site-packages directory of
> the Apple-supplied python 2.5 (which, for 10.5, is 2.5.1, not 2.4).
> That site-packages directory is /Library/Python/2.5. The Apple-supplied
> python comes with a sym link from /usr/bin/python. If you launch it,
> you'll probably find GDAL is there as expected.
> If you do want to use the python, which is somewhat newer,
> you need to install its own version of setuptools/easy_install and use
> it to install GDAL to the site-packages directory of that python which
> is located here:
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/site-pack
> ages. The two python instances co-exist. To install another
easy_install, ensure the python comes first on your
> PATH, then follow the instructions here:
> <>
BTW, that easy_install will itself be installed into the bin directory
of the python framework. So to ensure you are using that
easy_install and that python, make sure that bin directory is on your
PATH before "/usr/bin", so, if necessary, something like:
export PATH="/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/bin:$PATH"
Ned Deily,
nad at
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