more on unescaping escapes

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py2 at
Mon Feb 23 20:54:18 EST 2009

En Mon, 23 Feb 2009 23:31:20 -0200, bvdp <bob at> escribió:
> Gabriel Genellina wrote:
>> En Mon, 23 Feb 2009 22:46:34 -0200, bvdp <bob at> escribió:
>>> Chris Rebert wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 4:26 PM, bvdp <bob at> wrote:

>>>> [problem with Python and Windows paths using backslashes]
>>>>  Is there any particular reason you can't just internally use regular
>>>> forward-slashes for the paths? [...]
>>> you are absolutely right! Just use '/' on both systems and be done  
>>> with it. Of course I still need to use \x20 for spaces, but that is  
>>> easy.
>> Why is that? "\x20" is exactly the same as " ". It's not like %20 in  
>> URLs, that becomes a space only after decoding.
> I need to use the \x20 because of my parser. I'm reading unquoted lines  
> from a file. The file creater needs to use the form "foo\x20bar" without  
> the quotes in the file so my parser can read it as a single token.  
> Later, the string/token needs to be decoded with the \x20 converted to a  
> space.
> So, in my file "foo bar" (no quotes) is read as 2 tokens; "foo\x20bar"  
> is one.
> So, it's not really a problem of what happens when you assign a string  
> in the form "foo bar", rather how to convert the \x20 in a string to a  
> space. I think the \\ just complicates the entire issue.

Just thinking, if you was reading the string from a file, why were you  
worried about \\ and \ in the first place? (Ok, you moved to use / so this  
is moot now).

Gabriel Genellina

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