[email/quoprimime.py] AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'lstrip'

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Mon Jan 5 17:54:19 EST 2009

Gilles Ganault wrote:
> Hello
> 	I successfully use the email package to send e-mail from Python
> scripts, but this script fails when I fetch addresses from an SQLite
> database where data is Unicode-encoded:
> ======
> from email.MIMEText import MIMEText 
> import smtplib,sys 
> import apsw
> connection=apsw.Connection("test.sqlite")
> cursor=connection.cursor()
> subject = "My subject"
> f = open("message.txt", "r") 
> message = f.read()
> f.close()
> msg = MIMEText(message) 
> msg['Subject'] = subject
>>From = "me at acme.com"
> msg['From'] = From 
> server = smtplib.SMTP("smtp.acme.com") 
> sql="SELECT email FROM people WHERE email IS NOT NULL"
> rows=list(cursor.execute(sql))
> for email in rows:
> 	To = email

Why is 'email' renamed 'To'?

> 	msg['To'] = email
> 	#print To
> 	#(u'dummy at acme.com',)

Why are these line comments?
Why is the string enclosed in a tuple?

> 	#AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'lstrip'

True. Only strings have lstrip method.

> 	#server.sendmail(From,[To],msg.as_string()) 

Ditto. This looks looks a line from a doc.
If you want help interpreting an error message,
copy and paste the *entire traceback* without editing.

> server.quit
> connection.close(True)
> ======
> Does someone know what is wrong with the above?

Why do you think anything is wrong?  Post the actual error message 
separate from the code that generates the error message.

 > Does email choke on Unicode?


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