Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?

r rt8396 at
Tue Jan 13 23:24:14 EST 2009

On Jan 13, 9:50 pm, Carl Banks <pavlovevide... at> wrote:
it gives
> the library implementor the power to dictate to the user how they can
> and can't use the library.  The cultural impact that would have on the
> community is far worse, IMHO, than any short-sighted benefits like
> being able to catch an accidental usage of an internal variable.
> Trust would be replaced by mistrust, and programming in Python would
> go from a pleasant experience to constant antagonism.
> Carl Banks

I agree, the second the Python interpretor say's NO! you cant do that
or i will wrap your knuckles! is the day i leave Python forever. I
hear C programmers complain all the time about Python saying; "Well, I
like in "C" that variable types must be declared because this keeps me
from making mistakes later" -- hog wash! Just learn to think in a
dynamic way and you will never have any problems. If you need a hand
holding language i guess Python is not for you. And don't forget, you
can learn a lot from your mistakes.

They are so brainwashed by this mumbo-jumbo, i see them do this all
the time...

int_count = 0
float_cost = 1.25
str_name = "Bob"

They can't think in a dynamic way because momma "C" has done it for
them for too long. "Eat your Peas and carrots now little C coder"  :D

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