Injecting a global into a defined function??

James Mills prologic at
Thu Jan 15 23:08:19 EST 2009

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 4:28 AM, Cong Ma <cma at> wrote:
> I'd appreciate your hints on this problem. I'm writing a module in which several
> functions can alter the value of a global variable (I know this sounds evil,
> please forgive me...). What I'm trying to do is to eliminate the "global foo"
> lines in those functions' bodies and to use a decorator for the same task. For
> example:
>    @global_injected("SPAM")
>    def foo():
>        ... ...
> will have the same effect as
>    def foo():
>        global SPAM
>        ... ...
> Leaving the evilness of globals aside, I wonder how I can implement this (for
> Python 2.x). I'd like to hear your opinions. Thank you.

This is identical behavior to that of a class/object.

Please explain why you _really_ need to do this ?

class Foo(object):

   def __init__(self):
      self.spam = None

   def foo(self):
      self.spam = "Eggs"

   def bar(self):
      self.spam = "Bacon"


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