Newby: how to transform text into lines of text

Tim Chase python.list at
Sun Jan 25 20:30:33 EST 2009

Scott David Daniels wrote:
> Here's how I'd do it:
>      with open('deheap/', 'rU') as source:
>          for line in source:
>              print line.rstrip()  # Avoid trailing spaces as well.
> This should handle \n, \r\n, and \n\r lines.

Unfortunately, a raw rstrip() eats other whitespace that may be 
important.  I frequently get tab-delimited files, using the 
following pseudo-code:

   def clean_line(line):
     return line.rstrip('\r\n').split('\t')

   f = file('customer_x.txt')
   headers = clean_line(
   for line in f:
     field1, field2, field3 = clean_line(line)

if field3 is empty in the source-file, using rstrip(None) as you 
suggest triggers errors on the tuple assignment because it eats 
the tab that defined it.

I suppose if I were really smart, I'd dig a little deeper in the 
CSV module to sniff out the "right" way to parse tab-delimited files.


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