optparse question

Pat Pat at junk.net
Tue Jan 27 08:01:19 EST 2009

> If you mean with "/" as the option designator instead of "-": there
> doesn't appear to be a documented way of doing it. You would have to
> do some social engineering on the users to get them used to doing "dir
> -s -b". In any case I thought the number of Windows users who know how
> to fire up a Command Prompt window was diminishingly small ... you
> actually have users who know how to use commands like "dir /s /b"?

I used dir /s /b as a trivial Windows example.  I use Windows for 
personal use but Ubuntu for work and programming.

Personally, I use dir /s /b all the time on Windows since the /b option 
finds files *much* faster; maybe 10x or 100x faster but I didn't get out 
a stopwatch.

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