Creating an application for Linux
luke.leighton at
Fri Jan 2 11:05:03 EST 2009
On Jan 1, 4:44 pm, Mike Driscoll <kyoso... at> wrote:
> On Jan 1, 7:47 am,lkcl<luke.leigh... at> wrote:
> > On Dec 31 2008, 9:54 pm, Mike Driscoll <kyoso... at> wrote:
> > > On Dec 31, 3:36 pm,lkcl<luke.leigh... at> wrote:
> > > > hiya mike: where do i know you from? i've heard your name somewhere
> > > > and for the life of me can't remember where! anyway... onwards.
> > > I don't know...while your username looks vaguely familiar, I don't
> > > think I've communicated with you recently. I spend most of my time on
> > > the wxPython list now...
> > i think it might be from my old school - i could be confusing you
> > with
> > someone, though - "gary driscoll", perhaps? anyway, never mind :)
> > > > testing: you should really use a debootstrap absolute "basic"
> > > > environment (set up a chroot, or a virtual KVM or other virtual PC,
> > > > qemu, whatever, or even a real machine) do NOT do a "full" install of
> > > > ubuntu, do an absolute minimalist install (netbook, businesscard,
> > > > whatever).
> > > I thought the general practice was to test on the closest software/
> > > hardware combo that your application was most likely to run on.
> > that you should do as well :) you should be able to either upgrade
> > the bare-bones version using "tasksel install desktop" or just...
> > what-the-heck, install on a vanilla combo.
> >
> > appears offline at the moment - maybe it'll be
> > back later. i recommend you go for the mini.iso
> Ok...thanks for the info!
> > > I have
> > > heard of doing testing on the lowest common denominator before though.
> > > Unfortunately, I don't have time to set up a bare-bones VM since we're
> > > closing soon, but I may give this a go on Friday and report back.
> > ok - the issue that you will face if you _don't_ do a LCD test is
> > that
> > should ubuntu get upgraded, and one of the packages that _used_ to
> > pull
> > in a dependency [that you missed] no longer does so...
> I see. I had hoped that there was a way to create a frozen application
> like I do with py2exe on Windows so I wouldn't have to worry about a
> Linux upgrade breaking my application. I've been told that
ok - to do _that_, you will have to download copies of every single
library that your app uses, compile them specially into a customised
location (/opt/local or /usr/local); you will have to then make sure
that PYTHONPATH environment variable is set to point to the
locations. from a random manual somewhere:
The PYTHONPATH variable can be set to a list of paths that will be
added to the beginning of sys.path. For example, if PYTHONPATH is set
to "/www/python:/opt/py", the search path will begin with ['/www/
python', '/opt/py']. (Note that directories must exist in order to be
added to sys.path; the site module removes paths that don't exist.)
having multiple copies of python libraries on your system was exactly
the thing that i recommended that you _not_ do :)
because you _still_ have to install them, and the process to do _that_
easily, on ubuntu, is "apt-get install" - so why bother duplicating
that effort?
path of least resistance says "go with the debian flow". well... it
does in my book, anyway :)
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