Unexpected scientific notation

Mark Dickinson dickinsm at gmail.com
Fri Jan 9 06:55:27 EST 2009

On Jan 8, 1:00 am, Paul McNett <p... at ulmcnett.com> wrote:
> It displays '3E+1' instead of '30.0'.
> As I can't reproduce I'm looking for an idea brainstorm of what could be causing
> this. What would be choosing to display such a normal number in scientific notation?
> Ideas?

[I thought I replied to this earlier, but the post isn't showing up.
So here it is again.]

I suspect it's your use of the Decimal normalize() method that's
this.  Trailing zeros on Decimal instances are significant, so
Decimal('30.0'), Decimal('30') and Decimal('3E+1') are considered
distinct (though they all have the same value).  The normalize method
strips all trailing zeros, turning Decimal('30.0') into Decimal('3E

One way to get around this is to add 0 after normalizing: this will
make sure that scientific notation is used only for very large
or small numbers, as usual.

Python 2.7a0 (trunk:68298:68318, Jan  6 2009, 10:39:14)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5490)] on darwin
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>>> from decimal import Decimal
>>> 0 + Decimal('3E1')
>>> Decimal('0.0') + Decimal('3E1')

Adding 0 also has the side-effect of turning a negative zero
into a positive zero, but I suspect that this isn't going to
worry you much.  :)

You might also want to look at the Decimal.quantize method.


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