Scheduled Tasks - SetFlags
Roger Upole
rupole at
Tue Jan 13 17:22:10 EST 2009
kj7ny wrote:
> How do I enable/disable a scheduled task using Python?
> I can get to a task:
> self.ts=pythoncom.CoCreateInstance
> (taskscheduler.CLSID_CTaskScheduler,None,pythoncom.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,taskscheduler.IID_ITaskScheduler)
> self.ts.SetTargetComputer(u'\\\\SomeServer')
> self.tasks=self.ts.Enum()
> for task in self.tasks:
> self.t=self.ts.Activate(task)
> if self.t.GetAccountInformation().lower().find('SomeUser')
> print self.t.GetFlags()
> I can find if a task is enabled or not and toggle it:
> disabled=self.t.GetFlags() &
> taskscheduler.TASK_FLAG_DISABLED == taskscheduler.TASK_FLAG_DISABLED
> print 'Originally Disabled: %s'%(disabled,)
> if disabled:
> self.t.SetFlags(self.t.GetFlags() &
> ~taskscheduler.TASK_FLAG_DISABLED)
> else:
> self.t.SetFlags(self.t.GetFlags() |
> taskscheduler.TASK_FLAG_DISABLED)
> disabled=self.t.GetFlags() &
> taskscheduler.TASK_FLAG_DISABLED == taskscheduler.TASK_FLAG_DISABLED
> print 'Recheck Disabled: %s'%(disabled,)
> ... "Recheck Disabled" shows that the value "says" it has been
> disabled.
> The problem is that if I run it again and again, "Originally Disabled"
> is always the same. In other words, "Recheck Disabled" does NOT
> stick. It's like I'm missing a .commit()
Your missing commit is spelled
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