A different kind of interface

Eduardo Lenz lenz at joinville.udesc.br
Thu Jan 22 17:34:11 EST 2009

On Thursday 22 January 2009 08:13:49 Vic Kelson wrote:
> How about IDLE? It's a nice tool for the Python programmer. I've tried
> lots of IDEs, but when it comes down to it, on small-to-medium jobs I
> am be very productive indeed using IDLE...
> --v
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

How about Eric ?


 Eduardo Lenz Cardoso
 Dr.  Eng.
 Associate Professor
 State University of Santa Catarina
 Department of Mechanical Engineering
 89223-100 - Joinville-SC - Brasil

 Tel: +55 47 4009-7971 - Fax: +55 47 4009-7940
 E-mail: lenz at Joinville.udesc.br          

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