Help to find a regular expression to parse po file
"sandrodll[remove]" at
Mon Jul 6 10:21:01 EDT 2009
Hi all,
I would like to extract string from a PO file. To do this I have created
a little python function to parse po file and extract string:
import re
regex=re.compile("msgid (.*)\\nmsgstr (.*)\\n\\n")
where s is a po file like this:
msgctxt "write ubiquity commands.description"
msgid "Takes you to the Ubiquity <a
href=\"chrome://ubiquity/content/editor.html\">command editor</a> page."
msgstr "Apre l'<a href=\"chrome://ubiquity/content/editor.html\">editor
dei comandi</a> di Ubiquity."
#. list ubiquity commands command:
#. use | to separate multiple name values:
msgctxt "list ubiquity commands.names"
msgid "list ubiquity commands"
msgstr "elenco comandi disponibili"
msgctxt "list ubiquity commands.description"
msgid "Opens <a href=\"chrome://ubiquity/content/cmdlist.html\">the
" of all Ubiquity commands available and what they all do."
msgstr "Apre una <a
" in cui sono elencati tutti i comandi disponibili e per ognuno
viene spiegato in breve a cosa serve."
#. change ubiquity settings command:
#. use | to separate multiple name values:
msgctxt "change ubiquity settings.names"
msgid "change ubiquity settings|change ubiquity preferences|change
ubiquity skin"
msgstr "modifica impostazioni di ubiquity|modifica preferenze di
ubiquity|modifica tema di ubiquity"
msgctxt "change ubiquity settings.description"
msgid "Takes you to the <a
href=\"chrome://ubiquity/content/settings.html\">settings</a> page,\n"
" where you can change your skin, key combinations, etc."
msgstr "Apre la pagina <a
href=\"chrome://ubiquity/content/settings.html\">delle impostazioni</a>
di Ubiquity,\n"
" dalla quale è possibile modificare la combinazione da tastiera
utilizzata per richiamare Ubiquity, il tema, ecc."
but, obviusly, with the code above the last string is not matched. If
I use re.DOTALL to match also new line character it not works because it
match the entire file, I would like to stop the matching when "msgstr"
is found.
regex=re.compile("msgid (.*)\\nmsgstr (.*)\\n\\n\\n",re.DOTALL)
is it possible or not ?
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