bad behaviour in interactive Python prompt

~km knny.myer at
Tue Jul 14 17:47:04 EDT 2009

On 14 Jul., 15:26, Mark Dickinson <dicki... at> wrote:
> Where did your version of Python 2.6 come from?
> If you built your copy of Python 2.6 from source, then the problem is
> probably that either the readline library is missing, or (much more
> likely) the include files for the readline library are missing.  Look
> for a package called something like libreadline5-dev or readline-devel
> and install it, and then try rebuilding Python.
> Mark

Yes, I built it from source and never thought that there might be such
a library. Now I've re-compiled and my problem is solved!

Have many thanks Mark, and Chris Rebert, too, who responded to my
deleted post, which I've received per mail. Sorry for that incidence.


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