Python import Error

Kalyan Chakravarthy kalyanchakravarthy at
Sat Jul 18 03:14:23 EDT 2009

Hi All,
                   I am using* Python 2.6, MySQL 4.0* , I have successfully
Instaled MySQLdb (*MySQL-python-1.2.3c1.win32-py2.6*) in my system. I tested
through command prompt with "import MySQLdb ", its not shwing any errors
(means its instaled successfully), I set Eneceranment variable for Python

I  am running simple application with import "MySQLdb" to get the connection
to MySQL, But its throwing "No module named MySQLdb", Please any one tell me
what couled be the reasion

is there any version miss match with python and MySQL ?

Since last 3days I am strugling on this

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