invoking a method from two superclasses
Carl Banks
pavlovevidence at
Wed Jul 1 23:18:22 EDT 2009
On Jun 30, 9:57 pm, Mitchell L Model <MLMLi... at> wrote:
> [Continuing the discussion about super() and __init__]
> The documentation of super points out that good design of
> diamond patterns require the methods to have the same
> signature throughout the diamond. That's fine for non-mixin
> classes where the diamond captures different ways of handling
> the same data.
> The problem is that each mixin's __init__ is likely to have a
> different signature.
Here are my recommendations for mixin classes.
1. Try to write mixins so that they don't need initializer arguments.
There's several approaches to this. I prefer to burden the subclass
to set any attributes the mixin needs before calling super().__init__
class A(SomeMixin,SomeBaseClass):
def __init__(self,arg1,arg2):
self.some_attribute_needed_by_mixin = 10
That might seem a little weird to some (possibly because it is
impossible in C++ or Java to do that), but I find it to be a far more
versatile way for a subclass to send data to its parent. I use it for
regular single inheritance, even.
Another possibility is to have a separate mixin initializer that is
called separately.
2. The __init__ of a mixin, if it has one, should always take *args
and **kwargs arguments, and only those arguments, and pass them as-is
to the superclass.
class SomeMixin:
def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
If your mixin must have its own initializer argument, make it a
keyword-only argument, and have __init__ pop it off kwargs.
3. List mixin bases first among base classes.
I don't think Python provides an ideal way to do MI, BTW. I believe
that's by design: MI is somewhat troublesome specifically to
discourage overuse. As a power MI user, I am fine with this.
> I think I'd be back to having to call each mixin class's
> __init__ explicitly:
I'd say never mix super() and direct calls, for any reason. Pick one
and go with it.
Carl Banks
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