Why re.match()?
Diez B. Roggisch
deets at nospam.web.de
Mon Jul 6 17:10:28 EDT 2009
kj schrieb:
> In <4a4e2227$0$7801$426a74cc at news.free.fr> Bruno Desthuilliers <bruno.42.desthuilliers at websiteburo.invalid> writes:
>> kj a �crit :
>> (snipo
>>> To have a special-case
>>> re.match() method in addition to a general re.search() method is
>>> antithetical to language minimalism,
>> FWIW, Python has no pretention to minimalism.
> Assuming that you mean by this that Python's authors have no such
> pretensions:
> "There is real value in having a small language."
> Guido van Rossum, 2007.07.03
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-July/008663.html
> So there.
> BTW, that's just one example. I've seen similar sentiments expressed
> by Guido over and over and over: any new proposed enhancement to
> Python must be good enough in his mind to justify cluttering the
> language. That attitude counts as minimalism in my book.
> The best explanation I have found so far for re.match is that it
> is an unfortunate bit of legacy, something that would not be there
> if the design of Python did not have to be mindful of keeping old
> code chugging along...
language != libraries.
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