ANN: GMPY 1.10 alpha with support for Python 3
mensanator at
Wed Jul 8 20:03:42 EDT 2009
On Jul 7, 12:47 am, Mensanator <mensana... at> wrote:
> On Jul 7, 12:16 am, casevh <cas... at> wrote:
> > I discovered a serious bug with comparisons and have posted alpha2
> > which fixes that bug and adds Unicode support for Python 2.x
> > casevh
> Damn! I was just congatulating myself for pulling off
> a hat trick (there had been no point in downloading
> 3.x without gmpy so I have been putting it off):
> - installing Python 3.1
> - installing gmpy 1.10
> - converting my Collatz Function library to 3.1 syntax
> And it all worked smoothly, just had to add parentheses
> to my print statements, change xrange to range and all
> my / to // (the library is exclusively integer). I had
> gmpy running in my library on 3.1 in about 10 minutes.
> So I'll have to re-do the gmpy install. Shouldn't be
> any big deal.
> I started doing some real world tests. Generally, things
> look good (nothing crashes, timing looks not bad) but
> I'm getting some funny results on one of my tests, so
> I'll report back when I have more information.
As I said, I was getting funny results from one of my tests.
It seemed to work ok, but timing varied from 2 to 88 seconds,
which seemed odd. The other tests were generally consistent
for a given environment (cpu speed, OS, Python version, gmpy
At some point I watched the memory usage profile from Windows.
On the same machine I have both Python 2.6 and 3.1 installed,
with the appropriate gmpy 1.10 version loaded for each.
In Python 2.6, it looks like this:
memory usage profile Python 2.6 gmpy 1.1 Vista
/--------------\ /-------\ .....RESTART SHELL
/ .\/ \
____/ . \________
. .
. .
start of RUN start of RUN
The first "start of RUN" is the first time the test is run
(from IDLE). That change in usage represents about 700 MB
(I'm testing really BIG numbers, up to 500 million digits).
The memory remains allocated after the program terminates
(the flat plateau). When I run a second time, we see the
allocation dip, then climb back up to the plateau, so it
appears that the allocation never climbs above 1.1 GB.
Finally, doing a RESTART SHELL seems to completely free
the allocated memory. I assume this is normal behaviour.
With Python 3.1, it get this profile:
memory usage profile Python 3.1 gmpy 1.1 Vista
/ |
/----------------/ \------\ .....RESTART SHELL
/ . \
____/ . \___________
. .
. .
start of RUN start of RUN
Here, at the start of the second RUN, it appears that new
memory is allocated BEFORE the previous is cleared. Is this
a quirk in the way 3.1 behaves? Here, the peak usage climbs
to 1.8 GB which I think causes VM thrashing accounting for
the increased execution times.
My guess is that gmpy is provoking, but not causing this
The actual test is:
t0 = time.time()
for k in range(1,n):
for i in range(1,n-2):
print((str(cf.gmpy.numdigits(cf.Type12MH(k,i))).zfill(n)),end=' ')
t1 = time.time()
The library function Type12MH is:
def Type12MH(k,i):
"""Find ith, kth Generation Type [1,2] Mersenne Hailstone using
the closed form equation
k: generation
i: member of generation
returns Hailstone (a)
ONE = gmpy.mpz(1)
TWO = gmpy.mpz(2)
SIX = gmpy.mpz(6)
NIN = gmpy.mpz(9)
if (k<1) or (i<1): return 0
i = gmpy.mpz(i)
k = gmpy.mpz(k)
# a = (i-1)*9**(k-1) + (9**(k-1) - 1)//2 + 1
# return 2**(6*a - 1) - 1
a = (i-ONE)*NIN**(k-ONE) + (NIN**(k-ONE) - ONE)//TWO + ONE
return TWO**(SIX*a - ONE) - ONE
## Sample runs
## Test 1 - create numbers up to 500 million digits
## 0000000002 0000000004 0000000006 0000000007 0000000009 0000000011
## 0000000009 0000000025 0000000042 0000000058 0000000074 0000000091
## 0000000074 0000000221 0000000367 0000000513 0000000659 0000000806
## 0000000659 0000001976 0000003293 0000004610 0000005926 0000007243
## 0000005926 0000017777 0000029627 0000041477 0000053328 0000065178
## 0000053328 0000159981 0000266634 0000373287 0000479940 0000586593
## 0000479940 0001439818 0002399696 0003359574 0004319453 0005279331
## 0004319453 0012958355 0021597258 0030236161 0038875064 0047513967
## 0038875064 0116625189 0194375315 0272125440 0349875565 0427625691
## 15.5460000038
## >>> ================================ RESTART
## >>>
## 0000000002 0000000004 0000000006 0000000007 0000000009 0000000011
## 0000000009 0000000025 0000000042 0000000058 0000000074 0000000091
## 0000000074 0000000221 0000000367 0000000513 0000000659 0000000806
## 0000000659 0000001976 0000003293 0000004610 0000005926 0000007243
## 0000005926 0000017777 0000029627 0000041477 0000053328 0000065178
## 0000053328 0000159981 0000266634 0000373287 0000479940 0000586593
## 0000479940 0001439818 0002399696 0003359574 0004319453 0005279331
## 0004319453 0012958355 0021597258 0030236161 0038875064 0047513967
## 0038875064 0116625189 0194375315 0272125440 0349875565 0427625691
## 3.06299996376
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