Clarity vs. code reuse/generality
Gabriel Genellina
gagsl-py2 at
Thu Jul 9 03:57:15 EDT 2009
En Wed, 08 Jul 2009 23:19:25 -0300, kj < at> escribió:
> In <mailman.2700.1246895025.8015.python-list at> Tim Rowe
> <digitig at> writes:
>> 2009/7/4 kj < at>:
>>> Precisely. =A0As I've stated elsewhere, this is an internal helper
>>> function, to be called only a few times under very well-specified
>>> conditions. =A0The assert statements checks that these conditions
>>> are as intended. =A0I.e. they are checks against the module writer's
>>> programming errors.
>> Good for you. I'm convinced that you have used the assertion
>> appropriately, and the fact that so many here are unable to see that
>> looks to me like a good case for teaching the right use of assertions.
>> For what it's worth, I read assertions at the beginning of a procedure
>> as part of the specification of the procedure, and I use them there in
>> order to document the procedure. An assertion in that position is for
>> me a statement to the user of the procedure "it's your responsibility
>> to make sure that you never call this procedure in such a way as to
>> violate these conditions". They're part of a contract, as somebody
>> (maybe you) pointed out.
>> As somebody who works in the safety-critical domain, it's refreshing
>> to see somebody teaching students to think about the circumstances in
>> which a procedure can legitimately be called. The hostility you've
>> received to that idea is saddening, and indicative of why there's so
>> much buggy software out there.
> Thanks for the encouragement.
> When I teach programming, the students are scientists. For the
> stuff they do, correctness of the code trumps everything else. I
> teach them to view assertions as way of translating their assumptions
> into code. And by this I mean not only assumptions about the
> correctness of their code (the typical scope of assertions), but
> also, more broadly, assumptions about the data that they are dealing
> with (which often comes from external sources with abysmal quality
> control).
Nobody says you shouldn't check your data. Only that "assert" is not the
right way to do that. Ok, it's easier to write:
assert x>0 and y>0 and x<y
instead of:
if not (x>0 and y>0 and x<y):
raise ValueError, "x=%r y=%r" % (x,y)
but the assert statement is completely ignored if your script is run with
the -O option, and then no check is done.
assert should be used only to verify internal correctness only - to detect
wrong assumptions in the *code* itself. Once you're confident the code is
OK, you may turn off assertions (and improve program speed). But you must
*always* validate input data no matter what - so assert is not the right
Even worse, never DO anything inside an assertion - it won't be done in
the optimized version. This method becomes almost empty when assertions
are removed (not the intended behavior!):
def process_all(self):
for item in self.items:
assert self.process(item)
> My scientific code is jam-packed with assertions. I can't count
> the number of times that one such lowly assertion saved me from a
> silent but potentially disastrous bug. And yes I find it distressing
> that so so few programmers in my line of work use assertions at
> all.
I'm just saying that some of those assertions probably should be real "if
... raise" statements instead - not that you remove the checks. You may
use this short function, if you prefer:
def fassert(condition, message='', exc_type=AssertionError):
if not condition:
raise exc_type(message)
Gabriel Genellina
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