This is a mess...
nleioatt at
Thu Jul 16 10:15:52 EDT 2009
this is the new oop version, its pretty messy currently, and i do
understand it is a simple routine, but i'm using it as an exercise to
learn oop python...
first the (current) traceback:
[:~/python]$ python b2ar_all_test b2ar_all_test
<Eigen.Eigen_vect instance at 0x7fa26c404ab8>
<Eigen.Eigen_vect instance at 0x7fa26c404ab8>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 24, in <module>
cov = set1.covariance(set2,
File "/home/nleioatts/python/", line 66, in covariance
print self.vectors[i][i]
AttributeError: Eigen_vect instance has no attribute '__getitem__'
and a quick explaination: the file structures aare a 2d list of lists
of numbers corresponding to eginvectors and a list of numbers
corresponding to eigenvalues
#########################33##Here is the main body
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import Eigen
from Eigen import *
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print " "
print "The corrent usage is 'python file1 file2'"
print "where the _U.asc and _s.asc will be appended when needed"
print " "
file1 = sys.argv[1]
file2 = sys.argv[2]
set1 = Eigen_set(file1+"_U.asc", file1+"_s.asc")
set2 = Eigen_set(file2+"_U.asc", file2+"_s.asc")
cov = set1.covariance(set2,
print cov
###############and here are the classes:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import math
from math import sqrt
class Eigen_vect:
def __init__(self, e_val, e_vect):
self.e_val = e_val
self.e_vect = e_vect
def length(self):
return len(self.e_vect)
def dot(self, other):
d = 0.0
if other.length() != self.length():
raise ValueError, "Eigen Vectors not same Length"
for k in range(self.length()):
# print "HI NICK", self.e_vect[k], other.e_vect[k]
d += float(self.e_vect[k]) * float(other.e_vect[k])
return d
class Eigen_set:
def __init__(self, vec_filename, val_filename):
self.vec_filename = vec_filename
self.val_filename = val_filename
# open two files
# loop through them, skipping lines that begin with #
# for each row, extract eigen vector and eigen values
fileholder = open(self.vec_filename)
text = fileholder.readlines()
fields = text[2].split()
# print "len of fields", len(fields)
self.vectors = []
for line in text[2: len(fields)]:
fields = line.split()
# print "len of fields", len(fields)
for i in range(len(fields)):
fields[i] = float(fields[i])
e_vect = fields
fileholder = open(self.val_filename)
text = fileholder.readlines()
e_val = [float(line) for line in text[2: self.length()]]
self.vectors.append(Eigen_vect(e_val, e_vect))
# print "this is self.vectors"
# print self.vectors(e_val)
def length(self):
return len(self.vectors)
def covariance(self, other, dot):
newdot = 0.0
# do a length check to make sure we're consistent
if other.length() != self.length():
raise ValueError, "Eigen Vectors not same Length"
#double loop over all my vectors and all of other's vectors
doublesum = 0.0
for i in range(self.length()):
sum = 0.0
v1 = self.vectors[i]
for j in range(self.length()):
newdot +=[j])
# root = self.e_val[i] * other.e_val[j]
print self.vectors[i]
print self.vectors[j]
print self.vectors[i][i]
#####################<<------------------------This is line 66, I'm
trying to figure out how to call "e_val" from the Eigen_set class
root = self.vectors[i][i] * other.vectors[i][j]
sum += newdot * newdot * root
doublesum += sum
singsum = 0.0
for k in range(self.length()):
singsum += self.e_val[k] * self.e_val[k] + other.e_val[k]
* other.e_val[k]
Q = 1 - sqrt(abs((singsum - (2.0*doublesum)) / singsum))
print "your Q:"
print Q
and any additional help is great. thanks in advance, like the title
says this is really a mess....
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