missing 'xor' Boolean operator
Luis Alberto Zarrabeitia Gomez
kyrie at uh.cu
Thu Jul 16 15:57:02 EDT 2009
Quoting Jean-Michel Pichavant <jeanmichel at sequans.com>:
> Emile van Sebille wrote:
> > On 7/16/2009 7:04 AM Unknown said...
> >> On 2009-07-16, Emile van Sebille <emile at fenx.com> wrote:
> >>> daysInAdvance = int(inputVar) or 25
> >>
> >> I don't get it. That doesn't work right when inputVar == "0".
> >>
> > Aah, but you didn't get to define right. :) For that particular
> > example 0 is not a valid response.
> When I was talking about such error prone form of boolean operations, I
> didn't expect to be right so quickly :p
What do you mean by being "right so quickly", and "error prone" in this context?
I would also ask "Unknown" why he believes that "int(intputVar) or 25" doesn't
work right when inputVar == "0". The only false value that int() may return is
zero, so the "or 25" clause is there only for that case. I can't see then how
you think that is an error.
> I'm not sure it makes sens anyway. I
> mean, I could easily argue that the number 0 is something. In the end I
> wonder if I shouldn't just acknowledge the python mechanism
Then look it another way. The "Empty/Nothing" is just standard practice, there
is nothing in python that forces you to be "false" if you are empty, or true
otherwise. Instead, answer this: why do you need a /boolean/ value? Is there any
case where you need to be certain that the object's type is 'bool'? If you think
the answer is "yes", you may want to get more familiar with the "duck typing"
concept. (That doesn't mean that there are no legitimate cases where duck typing
is inappropriate, but that there are many cases where people, specially if they
come from statically typed languages, may believe that it is inappropriate when
it isn't).
In the python world, one should care more about how an object /behaves/ than
from what clase it came. If something quacks like a duck, then assume that it is
a duck, at least for the quacking part.
Most python objects carry a truth value. Sometimes it feels natural (None is
"false", boolean True and False are "true" and "false", empty containers are
expected to be false, 0 and '' are "false"). Sometimes, it is everything but
natural, but that's a problem with the object's implementation (datetime.time
comes to mind). So, you shouldn't care if you have a bool instance - it should
be enough that it behaves like a bool (though, if you need a bool, you can
always construct one). The "True or False" expression could return Giraffes, as
long as Giraffes behave like the bool "True" in boolean context. If you care
about the class of the result, you can ask for its truth value, and if you don't
care about it, you can just ignore it, and use it as you would use a bool.
And then, if you can return any object as long as it behaves properly, what
would be better to return? A new bool? Why not new Giraffe, if they will have
the same behaviour? Guido chose to return the a value that will say more about
the result of the operation than just a boolean. It acts as a boolean - if you
don't need anything else, treat it as such -, but it will be, whenever is
possible, one of the objects in the sequence, in case you need more info.
> without
> trying to find any intuitive/natural/obvious logic in it, knowing that
> sometimes the Truth lies far away from the Evidence.
Don't do that. Many of python's decisions are very well thought. You may
disagree with them, as I do with some, but they are rarely taken lightly. And
this is one that I find very agreeable and in line with the rest of python's
Luis Zarrabeitia
Facultad de Matemática y Computación, UH
Participe en Universidad 2010, del 8 al 12 de febrero de 2010
La Habana, Cuba
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