how two join and arrange two files together
amrita at
amrita at
Thu Jul 23 03:22:15 EDT 2009
I have two large files:
15 ALA H = 8.05 N = 119.31 CA = 52.18 HA = 4.52 C =
21 ALA H = 7.66 N = 123.58 CA = 54.33 HA = C = 179.35
23 ALA H = 8.78 N = CA = HA = C = 179.93.................
21 ALA helix (helix_alpha, helix2)
23 ALA helix (helix_alpha, helix3)
38 ALA helix (helix_alpha, helix3)...........
now what i want that i will make another file in which i will join the two
file in such a way that only matching entries will come like here 21 and
23 ALA is in both files, so the output will be something like:-
21 ALA H = 7.66 N = 123.58 CA = 54.33 HA = C = 179.35| 21 ALA helix
(helix_alpha, helix2)
23 ALA H = 8.78 N = CA = HA = C = 179.93|23 ALA helix (helix_alpha,
and further i will make another file in which i will be able to put those
lines form this file based on the missing atom value, like for 21 ALA HA
is not defined so i will put it another file based on its HA missing value
similarly i will put 23 ALA on another file based on its missing N,CA and
HA value.
I tried to join the two file based on their matching entries by:---
>>>from collections import defaultdict
>>> if __name__ == "__main__":
... a = open("/home/amrita/alachems/chem100.txt")
... c = open("/home/amrita/secstr/secstr100.txt")
>>> def source(stream):
... return (line.strip() for line in stream)
>>> def merge(sources):
... for m in merge([source(a),source(c)]):
... print "|".join(c.ljust(10) for c in m)
but it is not giving any value.
Amrita Kumari
Research Fellow
IISER Mohali
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