JavaScript toolkits (was Re: ANN: Porcupine Web Application Server 0.6 is released!)

Paul Boddie paul at
Thu Jul 23 10:13:02 EDT 2009

On 23 Jul, 05:55, a... at (Aahz) wrote:
> In article <1c994086-8c58-488f-b3b3-6161c4b2b... at>,
> Paul Boddie  <p... at> wrote:
> >
> Thanks!  I'll take a look after OSCON.

The JavaScript parts of the framework are a bit complicated, I'll
admit: you have to write some nasty-looking function calls with
awkward arguments to send AJAX-style requests to the server. I've been
meaning to employ a more declarative "signals and slots" approach so
that you don't have to write in the page templates where the in-page
updates should be expected: it's really the server code that
determines this kind of thing, and so the server code should be able
to say where it wants the page to be updated.

Again, I'll try and put up some examples in the relatively near future
that will make it easier for you to see if it's your kind of thing.


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