ANN: psyco V2
Christian Tismer
tismer at
Thu Jul 23 12:41:36 EDT 2009
On 7/23/09 8:22 AM, Christian Heimes wrote:
> Christian Tismer wrote:
>> Psyco V2 will run on X86 based 32 bit Linux, 32 bit Windows,
>> and Mac OS X. Psyco is not supporting 64 bit, yet. But it
>> is well being considered.
> Can you estimate how much work needs to be done in order to get Psyco
> working on 64bit POSIX (Linux) systems?
This is not easy to tell. I'm in the process of estimating
this, because my sponsor wants to know as well. They are
very interested, but it has to be somehow affordable in
time and money.
There are different paths that can be taken. Simply hacking away,
trying to go straight to 64 bit is obvious, but probably a bad
approach. Half of the system needs to be rewritten and augmented
with extra size info, and this goes very deep. I think this
way I would produce a nightmare of even more complicated code,
and would kill myself debugging-wise.
I believe I need to simplify psyco and make many parts more
abstract and more general, to become able to make it flexible.
This also means slowing the compiler down quite a lot.
Slowing it down will again become no problem, when my new
compiler strategy is ready. The number of compilations
will reduce so drastically, that the slowdown is neglectible.
Yes, I did not give an answer. I have the vague feeling of
three months full-time work. My problem right now is to
ensure that it will become less and not more :-)
cheers - chris
Christian Tismer :^) <mailto:tismer at>
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