I am trying to compile python 2.6.2 on my Mac

Diez B. Roggisch deets at nospam.web.de
Sun Jul 26 06:51:31 EDT 2009

Jessica Smith schrieb:
> Chris thanks!!
> other members:
> I read this:
>   - http://chrismiles.livejournal.com/25648.html
> I did this:
>   - install mac ports
>   - port install readline
>   - vi  setup.py
>     def detect_modules(self):
>         # Ensure that /usr/local is always used
>         add_dir_to_list(self.compiler.library_dirs, '/opt/local/lib')
>         add_dir_to_list(self.compiler.include_dirs, '/opt/local/include')
>   - configure --prefix=/pt/p
>   - make
>   - make install
> I'm happy now!

You are aware that under OSX one usually wants a so-called 
framework-build? It's an configure-option.

You don't need the --prefix then (unless you have another python2.6 
installed), and without the FW-build no UI-packages are useable.


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