RSA cryptography between Python and Java
M.-A. Lemburg
mal at
Tue Jul 28 03:30:23 EDT 2009
Rob Knop wrote:
> I've created an RSA key in Java. I have exported the public key by
> making it into a X509EncodedKeySpec and spitting out the result of
> getEncoded().
> I want to use this public key to encode something in python that I will
> send to Java, and then decode in Java with the corresponding private
> key.
> Are there any python libraries that will take a public key in this
> format and do RSA encoding on it?
M2Crypto will let you do this:
If you have access to the raw key data (instead of having it
encoded in a X509 certificate), then you can also use PyCrypto,
which does require setting up OpenSSL first:
Marc-Andre Lemburg
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