problem with sockets and transferring binary files
thebiggestbangtheory at
thebiggestbangtheory at
Wed Jun 3 00:54:02 EDT 2009
Dear all,
I am a python newbie. I am now progressing to writing a
network app in python to learn more about it. I have a client and a
server in python. The client sends a msg to the server asking it to
tar a binary .dbxml file and then send it over to it. The steps are:
from the
1. Client sends msg to server
2. Server tars up binary file and Encrypts it using ezpycrypto
3. Server sends it to client
4. Client receives file and decrypts it and untars it
Surprisingly, the sha1 hash of the encrypted data before it is sent
from server is different from the encrypted file data received by the
client. I post some code below to provide more info about what I am
#client after sending initial msg
#get server replywhich sends back the .dbxml file
myHost = ''
myPort = 20001
s1 = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) # create a TCP socket
s1.bind((myHost, myPort)) # bind it to the server
s1.listen(1) # allow 1 simultaneous
# pending connections
connection, address = s1.accept() # connection is a new socket
while 1:
data = connection.recv(10000000) # receive up to 10000000
if data:
#we have recieved a compressed .tar.gz file
#write out info to a file
buf = open(currentpath+'received-container.tar.gz', 'w')
#testing code: must be removed
os.system('sudo sha1sum '+currentpath+'received-xml-
os.system('sudo tar -xvzf '+currentpath+'received-xml-
#the server after receiving the msg from client
#dump the binary file
os.system('sudo cp '+'/'+path+'1.binary '+currentpath
#compress the file
os.system('sudo tar -cvzf '+currentpath+'1.bin.tar.gz
#encrypt the file specified in command line
cipher=encryptfile(secretkey, currentpath+'1.bin.tar.gz')
#send it over to sender
send_to_sender(cipher, senderaddress)
#testing code: needs to be removed
buf = open(currentpath+'cipher', 'w')
os.system('sudo sha1sum '+currentpath+'cipher')
#function code
def send_to_sender(cipher, servername):
PORT = 20001
BUFF = 10000000
clientSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
HOST = servername
What I see at the client side is
7105b60d3167f2424d9e2806c49cca86c00577ba received-container.tar.gz
gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 received-container.tar.gz
gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
It seems two file pieces are received! but why? The buffer size is big
enough to accept the whole thing in one go. The binary file is about
460K in size.
Any pointers, comments will be greatly appreciated :-).
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