reading from file

Sydoruk Yaroslav swift at
Thu Jun 11 16:24:51 EDT 2009

Hello all,

In a text file aword.txt, there is a string:

There is a first script:
f = open ("aword.txt", "r")
for line in f:
    print chardet.detect(line)
    b = line.decode('cp1251')
    print b

{'confidence': 1.0, 'encoding': 'ascii'}

There is a second script:
line = "\xea\xe0\xea+\xef\xee\xe7\xe2\xee\xed\xe8\xf2\xfc"
print chardet.detect(line)
b = line.decode('cp1251')
print b

{'confidence': 0.98999999999999999, 'encoding': 'windows-1251'}

Why is reading from a file into a string variable is defined as ascii, 
but when it is clearly defined in the script is defined as cp1251. 
How do I solve this problem.

Only one 0_o

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