How *build* new elements and *replace* elements with xml.dom.minidom ?

Johannes Bauer dfnsonfsduifb at
Thu Jun 11 18:29:22 EDT 2009

Stefan Behnel schrieb:

>> So I need to build hyperlinks (a elements) with href attribute and
>> replace the text elements (numbers) somehow.
> Try lxml.html instead. It makes it really easy to do these things. For
> example, you can use XPath to find all table cells that contain numbers:
> 	td_list = doc.xpath("//td[number() >= 0]")
> or maybe using regular expressions to make sure it's an int:
> 	td_list = doc.xpath("//td[re:match(., '^[0-9]+$')]",
>               namespaces={'re':''})
> and then replace them by a hyperlink:
> 	# assuming links = ['http://...', ...]
> 	from lxml.html.builder import A
> 	for td in td_list:
> 		index = int(td.text)
> 		a = A("some text", href=links[index])
> 		td.getparent().replace(td, a)

Oh no! I was looking for something like this for *ages* but always
fought with minidom - where this is a real pain :-(

Had I only known before that such a wonderful library exists. I'll
definitely use lxml from now on. Does it compile with Python3?

Kind regards,

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verlästerung von Gott, Bibel und mir und bewusster Blasphemie."
         -- Prophet und Visionär Hans Joss aka HJP in de.sci.physik
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