Exotic Logics
William Clifford
mr.william.clifford at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 01:46:14 EDT 2009
I was staring at a logic table the other day, and I asked myself,
"what if one wanted to play with exotic logics; how might one do it?"
I did some searching but not being too sure of what to look for and
carried away with my own enthusiasm for the idea, I didn't find much.
What I've come up with is, no doubt, inefficient, naive, poor python
style, and probably wrong in fundamental ways too subtle for me, but
here it is:
import itertools
import operator
class Logic():
"""class of generic logic operators"""
def lsd(rdx, n):
"""yield up base rdx digits of n in least significant order"""
while n > 0:
q, r = divmod(n, rdx)
n = q
yield r
def rdxn(rdx, seq):
"""reduce a sequence of numbers by powers of rdx"""
return reduce(operator.add,
seq, (pow(rdx, i) for i in range(len(seq)))))
def pute(rdx, opr, arg):
"""a logical primitive which returns 0 or 1."""
if arg < 0:
return 0
o = tuple(lsd(rdx, opr))
return o[arg]
except IndexError:
return 0
def make_puter(rdx, opr):
"""return a function based on pute."""
o = tuple(Logic.lsd(rdx, opr))
def puter(arg):
if arg < 0:
return 0
return o[arg]
except IndexError:
return 0
return puter
def make_inputs(rdx, *args):
"""yield a stripe of rdxn digits from args."""
largs = [Logic.lsd(rdx, a) for a in args]
for i in itertools.izip_longest(*largs, fillvalue=0):
yield Logic.rdxn(rdx, i)
def compute(rdx, opr, *args):
"""return a number computed from opr of rdx."""
puter = Logic.make_puter(rdx, opr)
inputs = Logic.make_inputs(rdx, *args)
outputs = [puter(i) for i in inputs]
return Logic.rdxn(rdx, outputs)
def make_computer(rdx, opr):
"""return a computer of opr, rdx."""
def computer(*args):
puter = Logic.make_puter(rdx, opr)
inputs = Logic.make_inputs(rdx, *args)
outputs = [puter(i) for i in inputs]
return Logic.rdxn(rdx, outputs)
return computer
def __init__(self, rdx, opr):
self._computer = Logic.make_computer(rdx, opr)
def __call__(self, *args):
return self._computer(*args)
This seemed to be working for the limited tests I did on it, while I
was doing them. The following checked out last time I tried:
>>> and_ = Logic(2, 8)
>>> or_ = Logic(2, 14)
>>> xor = Logic(2, 6)
I have no idea how to validate the results of the trinary and beyond
Thanks for reading and trying this out. Corrections? Criticism?
William Clifford
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