Packing a ctypes struct containing bitfields.

Karthik karthik301176 at
Thu Jun 18 06:30:35 EDT 2009

Hello Everybody,

I'm trying to create a packed structure in ctypes (with one 64-bit
element that is bitfielded to 48 bits),

from ctypes import *

class foo (Structure):
    _pack_ = 1
    _fields_ = [
        ("bar",    c_ulonglong, 48),

print("sizeof(foo) = %d" % sizeof(foo))
I'm expecting that this should print 6 - however, on my box, it prints

The following piece of C code, when compiled and run, prints 6, which
is correct.
struct foo {
    unsigned long long bar: 48;

printf("sizeof(foo) = %d", sizeof(foo));

So... what am I doing wrong?


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