wikipedia with python

Tim Harig usernet at
Wed Jun 24 03:17:33 EDT 2009

On 2009-06-22, ZeLegolas <zelegolas at> wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Jun 2009 19:23:59 +0200, Andre Engels <andreengels at>
> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 6:58 PM, zelegolas<zelegolas at> wrote:
>>> I'm looking for wiki writen with python where I can import all
>>> wikipedia site.
>> PHP.
>> What do you want to use the material for?
> Well sorry I was not clear. I have a wiki running with mediawiki and I want
> to import in a wiki written with python. 

To clarify, check one:

[ ] A. You already have mediawiki wiki running on a web server; but, you
	would prefer to have your wiki power by Python.

[ ] B. You already have mediawiki running on a web server and you have
	another wiki powered by Python; and, you would like to take the
	information from the python powered wiki and copy it to the

[ ] C. You already have mediawiki running on a web server and you would
	also like to use the functionality of a wiki which is written in
	Python.  Somehow, you would like to somehow access some of the
	Python's functionality and use it from inside of mediawiki.
	Perhaps making them work side by side.

[ ] D. You already have mediawiki running on a webserver; but, you would
	like to get data from another mediawiki server that you don't have
	direct database access to; so, you would like to write a script in
	Python to scrape the data off of the other mediawiki's website.

[ ] E. You already have a wiki running in python on a webserver and you
	would like to import data from another wiki that is powered by
	mediawiki.  You might or might not have direct access to the
	database used by the wikimedia server.  You would like a Python
	script to convert/scrap the data.

[ ] F. Other

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