__file__ access extremely slow

Steven D'Aprano steven at REMOVE.THIS.cybersource.com.au
Thu Jun 4 22:21:07 EDT 2009

On Thu, 04 Jun 2009 18:24:48 -0700, Zac Burns wrote:

> The section of code below, which simply gets the __file__ attribute of
> the imported modules, takes more than 1/3 of the total startup time.

How do you know? What are you using to time it?

> From once python starts and loads the main module to after all the
> imports occur and this section executes takes 1.3sec. This section takes
> 0.5sec. Total module count is ~800.
> Python version is 2.5.1
> Code:
> ################################
> for module in sys.modules:
> 	try:
> 		path = module.__file__
> 	except (AttributeError, ImportError):
> 		return
> ################################

You corrected this to:

for module in sys.modules.itervalues():
               path = module.__file__
       except (AttributeError, ImportError):

(1) You're not importing anything inside the try block. Why do you think 
ImportError could be raised?

(2) This will stop processing on the first object in sys.modules that 
doesn't have a __file__ attribute. Since these objects aren't 
*guaranteed* to be modules, this is a subtle bug waiting to bite you.


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