multi-core software
vend82 at
Fri Jun 5 13:26:20 EDT 2009
On Jun 4, 8:35 pm, Roedy Green <see_webs... at>
> On Thu, 4 Jun 2009 09:46:44 -0700 (PDT), Xah Lee <xah... at>
> wrote, quoted or indirectly quoted someone who said :
> >• Why Must Software Be Rewritten For Multi-Core Processors?
> Threads have been part of Java since Day 1. Using threads complicates
> your code, but even with a single core processor, they can improve
> performance, particularly if you are doing something like combing
> multiple websites.
> The nice thing about Java is whether you are on a single core
> processor or a 256 CPU machine (We got to run our Athena Integer Java
> spreadsheet engine on such a beast), does not concern your code.
> You just have to make sure your threads don't interfere with each
> other, and Java/the OS, handle exploiting all the CPUs available.
You need to decompose your problem in 256 independent tasks.
It can be trivial for some problems and difficult or perhaps
impossible for some others.
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