David M. Wilson
dw at
Wed Jun 10 23:56:55 EDT 2009
On Jun 11, 12:59 am, Jack Diederich <jackd... at> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 6:24 PM, David Wilson<d... at> wrote:
> > During a fun coding session yesterday, I came across a problem that I
> > thought was already solved by itertools, but on investigation it seems
> > it isn't.
> > The problem is simple: given one or more ordered sequences, return
> > only the objects that appear in each sequence, without reading the
> > whole set into memory. This is basically an SQL many-many join.
> > I thought it could be accomplished through recursively embedded
> > generators, but that approach failed in the end. After posting the
> > question to Stack Overflow[0], Martin Geisler proposed a wonderfully
> > succinct and reusable solution (see below, or pretty printed at the
> > Stack Overflow URL).
> [snip]
> Here's my version; keep a list of (curr_val, iterator) tuples and
> operate on those.
> def intersect(seqs):
> iter_pairs = [(, it) for (it) in map(iter, seqs)]
> while True:
> min_val = min(iter_pairs)[0]
> max_val = max(iter_pairs)[0]
> if min_val == max_val:
> yield min_val
> max_val += 1 # everybody advances
> for i, (val, it) in enumerate(iter_pairs):
> if val < max_val:
> iter_pairs[i] = (, it)
> # end while True
This version is a lot easier to understand. The implicit StopIteration
is a double-edged sword for readability, but I like it. :)
> Interestingly you don't need to explicitly catch StopIteration and
> return because only the top level is a generator. So both lines where
> are called will potentially end the loop.
> I also tried using a defaultdict(list) as the main structure; it
> worked but was uglier by far { curr_val => [it1, it2, ..]} with dels
> and appends.
> -Jack
> ps, woops, I forgot to hit reply all the first time.
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