waling a directory with very many files
Nick Craig-Wood
nick at craig-wood.com
Mon Jun 15 04:29:34 EDT 2009
tom <fsb at thefsb.org> wrote:
> On Jun 14, 1:35 pm, Tim Golden <m... at timgolden.me.uk> wrote:
> >
> > If you're on Windows, you can use the win32file.FindFilesIterator
> > function from the pywin32 package. (Which wraps the Win32 API
> > FindFirstFile / FindNextFile pattern).
> thanks, tim.
> however, i'm not using windows. freebsd and os x.
Here is a ctypes generator listdir for unix-like OSes. I tested it
under linux.
An equivalent os.listdir but as a generator using ctypes
from ctypes import CDLL, c_char_p, c_int, c_long, c_ushort, c_byte, c_char, Structure, POINTER
from ctypes.util import find_library
class c_dir(Structure):
"""Opaque type for directory entries, corresponds to struct DIR"""
c_dir_p = POINTER(c_dir)
class c_dirent(Structure):
"""Directory entry"""
# FIXME not sure these are the exactly correct types!
_fields_ = (
('d_ino', c_long), # inode number
('d_off', c_long), # offset to the next dirent
('d_reclen', c_ushort), # length of this record
('d_type', c_byte), # type of file; not supported by all file system types
('d_name', c_char * 4096) # filename
c_dirent_p = POINTER(c_dirent)
c_lib = CDLL(find_library("c"))
opendir = c_lib.opendir
opendir.argtypes = [c_char_p]
opendir.restype = c_dir_p
# FIXME Should probably use readdir_r here
readdir = c_lib.readdir
readdir.argtypes = [c_dir_p]
readdir.restype = c_dirent_p
closedir = c_lib.closedir
closedir.argtypes = [c_dir_p]
closedir.restype = c_int
def listdir(path):
A generator to return the names of files in the directory passed in
dir_p = opendir(".")
while True:
p = readdir(dir_p)
if not p:
name = p.contents.d_name
if name not in (".", ".."):
yield name
if __name__ == "__main__":
for name in listdir("."):
print name
Nick Craig-Wood <nick at craig-wood.com> -- http://www.craig-wood.com/nick
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