Tutorial on working with Excel files in Python (without COM and crossplatform!) at EuroPython 2009
Jeremiah Jester
jeremiah.jester at panasonic.aero
Fri Jun 19 15:55:43 EDT 2009
Do you have any online tutorial for this topic?
On Thu, 2009-06-18 at 08:38 -0700, Chris Withers wrote:
> Hi All,
> Too many people in the Python community *still* think the only way to
> work with Excel files in Python is using COM on Windows.
> To try and correct this, I'm giving a tutorial at this year's
> EuroPython
> conference in Birmingham, UK on Monday, 29th June that will cover
> working with Excel files in Python using the pure-python libraries
> xlrd,
> xlwt and xlutils.
> I'll be looking to cover:
> - Reading Excel Files
> Including extracting all the data types, formatting and working
> with
> large files.
> - Writing Excel Files
> Including formatting, many of the useful frilly extras and writing
> large excel files.
> - Modifying and Filtering Excel Files
> A run through of taking existing Excel files and modifying them in
> various ways.
> - Workshop for your problems
> I'm hoping anyone who attends will get a lot out of this! If you're
> planning on attending and have a particular problem you'd like to
> work
> on in this part of the tutorial, please drop me an email and I'll
> try
> and make sure I come prepared!
> All you need for the tutorial is a working knowledge of Excel and
> Python, with a laptop as an added benefit, and to be at EuroPython
> this
> year:
> http://www.europython.eu/
> I look forward to seeing you all there!
> Chris
> --
> Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting
> - http://www.simplistix.co.uk
> --
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