tkinter: get filename of askopenfilename
norseman at
Thu Jun 25 13:33:54 EDT 2009
rom wrote:
> Ok. I think I got it. I have to do it in this way:
> ###########################
> import Tkinter
> import tkFileDialog
> filename=''
> root = Tkinter.Tk()
> Tkinter.Button(root, text='Notch genes...', command=lambda:
> open_file_dialog()).pack()
> def open_file_dialog():
> global filename
> filename = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=
> [("allfiles","*")])
> print_filename()
> def print_filename():
> print filename
> root.mainloop()
> ###########################
> Thanks again
> On Jun 25, 1:46 pm, rom <rompu... at> wrote:
>> Thanks for your response. I have modified this minimal program as you
>> suggested but still is not able to print the filename:
>> ######################
>> import Tkinter
>> import tkFileDialog
>> global filename
>> filename=''
>> root = Tkinter.Tk()
>> Tkinter.Button(root, text='Notch genes...', command=lambda:
>> open_file_dialog()).pack()
>> def open_file_dialog():
>> filename = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=
>> [("allfiles","*")])
>> print filename
>> root.mainloop()
>> ######################
>> Is this what you mean?
>> On Jun 25, 1:28 pm, norseman <norse... at> wrote:
>>> OOPS - I left out the global statement
>>> rom wrote:
>>>> Hi there,
>>>> I am writing an interface with Tkinter. My minimal program looks like
>>>> this:
>>>> #############
>>>> import Tkinter
>>>> import tkFileDialog
>>> # define globals here
>>> filename= '' # will take care of the problem
>>>> root = Tkinter.Tk()
>>>> Tkinter.Button(root, text='Notch genes...', command=lambda:
>>>> open_file_dialog()).pack()
>>>> def open_file_dialog():
>>> global filename # need this to assign to it
>>>> filename = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=[("all
>>>> files","*")])
>>>> # print filename
>>>> root.mainloop()
>>>> #############
>>>> I would like to recover the filename variable outside the
>>>> "open_file_dialog" function. For instance, to be able to print the
>>>> selected file name (uncomment "# print filename" line).
>>>> Is there a way to do that?
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>> R
Now you got it!! So ignore my just previous response. :)
The global statement inside the def keeps the specified variable from
being local by default. If the global statement is "higher up the food
chain" then it will cause Python to look back for a definition from that
point. There may not be one or it might be other than expected. Python
works backward (or up) from global statement through the defs and
modules enclosing it. Uses first found.
A small suggestion, filename is a word usually used commonly. fname
would be a better substitute. Or fn or ifil, ofil (in/out files) and so
forth. Of course it is perfectly OK for question and answer time.
version: Python
OS : All or Not relevant
date : June 25, 2009
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