Py 3 slower than Py 2. Towers of Hanoi implementation
Paul Moore
p.f.moore at
Fri Jun 26 11:01:24 EDT 2009
2009/6/26 Udyant Wig <udyantw at>:
> I implemented this -> in
> both flavors of Python: 2.6.2 and 3.0.1 (CPython)
> The code:
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> def remaining_peg (peg1, peg2):
> return (6 - peg1 - peg2)
> def hanoi (num_discs, start, end):
> if (1 == num_discs):
> print "Top of peg {0} to peg {1}".format(start,end) # used print()
> for Py 3.0.1
> else:
> hanoi ((num_discs - 1), start, (remaining_peg (start, end)))
> hanoi (1, start, end)
> hanoi ((num_discs - 1), (remaining_peg (start, end)), end)
> hanoi(20,2,3)
> The times: real usr sys
> Python 2.6.2 7.994s 3.336s 3.296s
> Python 3.0.1 55.302s 38.024s 5.876s
> What happened to Python?
I/O in Python 3.0 is known to be slow, because the bulk of the
implementation is in Python (rather than C). Python 3.1 addresses
this. Here are some tests of 2.6.1 vs 3.1rc2. The first tests have the
print commented out, the second are with the print, redirected to the
null device. The tests are on a pretty slow Windows XP SP2 laptop.
>timer & \Apps\Python26\python.exe & timer
Timer 1 on: 15:54:53
Timer 1 off: 15:54:57 Elapsed: 0:00:03.88
>timer & \Apps\Python31\python.exe & timer
Timer 1 on: 15:57:05
Timer 1 off: 15:57:09 Elapsed: 0:00:03.67
>timer & (\Apps\Python26\python.exe >nul) & timer
Timer 1 on: 15:57:44
Timer 1 off: 15:58:14 Elapsed: 0:00:29.91
>timer & (\Apps\Python31\python.exe >nul) & timer
Timer 1 on: 15:58:38
Timer 1 off: 15:59:09 Elapsed: 0:00:30.63
Nothing much in it.
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