Learning to use decorators with classes
sk8in_zombi at yahoo.com.au
sk8in_zombi at yahoo.com.au
Tue Jun 30 11:02:30 EDT 2009
--- On Tue, 30/6/09, Bruno Desthuilliers <bruno.42.desthuilliers at websiteburo.invalid> wrote:
> <ot>
> Don't use '__name__', they are reserved for the
> implementation. And FWIW, don't use '__name' unless you have
> a really compelling reason to do so.
> </ot>
That was an honest mistake!. Noted :)
> > def search(self, **kw):
> > print
> 'Searching'
> > ...
> This can't work, and it's a FAQ FWIW - but since there's no
> official c.l.py FAQ, we won't hold it against you !-)
Can you please point me to the FAQ related to this snippet. I would be grateful.
> def and class are both *executable* statements (yes,
> classes and functions creation - like almost anything in
> Python - are run-time operations).
> The first one creates a function object - *wherever* it
> happens - and bind the function object to the function's
> name in the current namespace. Think of it as an equivalent
> of the following javascript snippet:
> var func_name = function(arg) { /*
> function's body */ };
> The second statement - class - builds a class object from
> the names defined in the class statement's body (that is,
> names defined in the class statement's body will become
> attributes of the class object).
> Now about the 'methods' and 'self' stuff...
> First understand that there's *nothing* magical with
> 'self'. It's *not* a keyword. It's only a naming convention,
> and you could use any legal Python identified instead.
> The reason we have to explicitly mention it as first
> argument of the function is that it's the only way the
> function's body can get access to the current instance. What
> happens is (overly simplified) that during attribute
> resolution, when the found attribute happens to be a
> function, this function is wrapped - together with the
> instance on which the attribute was looked up and it's class
> - into a callable method object. Then when you call
> this method object, it inserts the instance as first
> argument to the function call, and returns the result of the
> function call (if you want to read more about this and how
> computed attributes are implemented in Python, google for
> 'descriptor protocol').
> IOW, and to make a long story short, calling
> instance.method is the same as calling
> Class.method(instance).
Thank you very much for your explanation. I will remember these points by heart.
> Ok, now to the point: when you call getConnection within
> the class statement's body, there's no magical "self"
> keyword poiting to an instance, and since the class itself
> doesn't yet exists, so there's *no* way you could get at an
> instance of it anyway !-)
> There are many ways to solve your problem, the simplest
> bing probably to write another decorator calling on the
> first one, ie:
> def connected_method(func):
> def connected(self, *args, **kw):
> wrapped =
> getConnection(self.__this, self.__that)(func)
> return wrapped(*args, **kw)
> return connected
> Note that this may not be that efficient - you'll have
> quite a few function calls involved here.
I was trying follow the concept of decorators with arguments and I can now understand why it failed, thanks.
Thanks and regards,
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