creating a list of all imported modules

John Machin sjmachin at
Tue Mar 10 06:43:08 EDT 2009

On Mar 10, 11:01 am, Tim Michelsen <timmichel... at>
> Hello,
> how do I create a list of all modules imported by my module/script and
> which are present in the namespace?
> I am looking for something like %who in Ipython.
> My aim is to create a file for the documentation that shows all
> dependencies of my script on external (3rd party) libraries.

To sort out which imported modules are supplied by Python, by you, and
by 3rd parties it would help a lot if you knew where the modules are
being loaded from.

Put this code at the end of your script:
    import sys
    info = [(module.__file__, name)
        for (name, module) in sys.modules.iteritems()
        if hasattr(module, '__file__')]
    import pprint

AFAIK unless someone has been messing with sys.modules, this gives you
all modules that have been imported during the running of your script,
except for built-ins (no __file__ attribute). Warning: I've not tried
this with eggs and zips.


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