Read a content file from a P7M

Luca lucafbb at
Thu Mar 12 04:15:13 EDT 2009

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 5:05 PM, Luca <lucafbb at> wrote:
> There is standard or sugested way in python to read the content of a P7M file?
> I don't need no feature like verify sign, or sign using a certificate.
> I only need to extract the content file of the p7m (a doc, a pdf, ...)

I'm there again!

I found a document and some exaples related to the M2Crypto library

I tryed to use this:

>>> from M2Crypto import BIO, SMIME, X509
>>> p7, data = SMIME.smime_load_pkcs7('/Users/luca/Desktop/testsigned.pdf.p7m')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "build/bdist.macosx-10.5-i386/egg/M2Crypto/", line 91,
in smime_load_pkcs7
M2Crypto.SMIME.SMIME_Error: no content type

May be this is the wrong library... but even Google can't help me a
lot with this problem :-(

-- luca

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