[regex] How to check for non-space character?

Tim Chase python.list at tim.thechases.com
Sat Mar 21 09:53:10 EDT 2009

Gilles Ganault wrote:
> Hello
> Some of the adresses are missing a space between the streetname and
> the ZIP code, eg. "123 Main Street01159 Someville"
> The following regex doesn't seem to work:
> #Check for any non-space before a five-digit number
> re_bad_address = re.compile('([^\s].)(\d{5}) ',re.I | re.S | re.M)

> I also tried ([^ ].), to no avail.

> What is the right way to tell the Python re module to check for any
> non-space character?

It looks like it's these periods that are throwing you off.  Just 
remove them.  For a 3rd syntax:


the \S (capital, instead of "\s") is "any NON-white-space character"


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