C extension using GSL

jesse jberwald at gmail.com
Fri Mar 27 11:42:24 EDT 2009

On Mar 27, 9:30 am, Nick Craig-Wood <n... at craig-wood.com> wrote:
> jesse <jberw... at gmail.com> wrote:
> >  I give up. I cannot find my memory leak! I'm hoping that someone out
> >  there has come across something similar. Let me lay out the basic
> >  setup:
> >  I'm performing multiple simulations on a model. Each iteration
> >  involves solving a system of differential equations. For this I use
> >  the GNU Scientific Library (GSL) -- specifically the rk4imp ODE
> >  solver. After the ODE is solved the array is returned to python and is
> >  analyzed. As you may have guessed, my problem is that over the course
> >  of the iterations the memory keeps climbing until python crashes.
> >  Note: *The extension does not keep running.* It returns object (a
> >  list) and is done until the next iteration. AFAIK, any memory
> >  allocated during execution of the extension should be released.
> >  Question: Since the extension was run from within python is memory
> >  allocated within an extension part of python's heap?
> No, on the normal C heap
> >  Would this have
> >  an adverse or unpredictable affect on any memory allocated during the
> >  running of the extension?
> If the library passes you data and ownership of a heap block, you'll
> need to free it.
> > One hypothesis I have, since most other
> >  possibilities have been eliminated, is that GSL's creation of it's own
> >  data structures (eg., gsl_vector) is messing up Python's control of
> >  the heap. Is this possible?
> Only if GSL is buggy
> > If so, how would one be able to fix this
> >  issue?
> Valgrind
> >  It may help some nice folks out there who are good enough to look at
> >  this post if I layout the flow, broken up by where stuff happens
> >  (i.e., in the Python code or C code):
> >  1) Python: Set up the simulation and basic data structures (numpy
> >  arrays with initial conditions, coupling matrices for the ODE's, dicts
> >  with parameters, etc).
> >  2) Python: Pass these to the C extension
> >  3) C: Python objects passed in are converted to C arrays, floats,
> >  etc.
> >  4) C: A PyList object, L,  is created (new reference!). This will hold
> >  the solution vector for the ODE
> >  5) C: Initialize GSL ODE solver and stepper functions. Solve the ODE,
> >  at each step use PyList_Append(L, current_state) to append the current
> >  state to L.
> >  6) C: After the ODE solver finishes, free GSL objects, free coupling
> >  matrices, free last state vector.
> >  7) C: Return L to Python with return Py_BuildValue("N", L).
> >  8) Python: Convert returned list L to array A, delete L, work with A.
> >  8.1) Python: Step 8) includes plotting. (I have a small suspicion that
> >  matplotlib holds onto lots of data, but I've used clf() and close(fig)
> >  on all plots, so I think I'm safe here. )
> >  8.2) Python: save analysis results from A, save A. (At this point
> >  there should be no more use of A. In fact, at point 8) in the next
> >  iteration A is replaced by a new array.)
> >  9) Python: Change any parameters or initial conditions and goto 1).
> At every point a memory allocation is made check who owns the memory
> and that it is freed through all possible error paths.
> Valgrind will help you find the memory leaks.  It works well once
> you've jumped the flaming hoops of fire that setting it up is!
> Another thing you can try is run your process untill it leaks loads,
> then make it dump core.  Examine the core dump with a hex editor and
> see what it is full of!  This technique works suprisingly often.
> --
> Nick Craig-Wood <n... at craig-wood.com> --http://www.craig-wood.com/nick

Thanks for the suggestions.

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