Understanding JSON

WallyDD shanebest at gmail.com
Sun Mar 29 16:39:22 EDT 2009


I am trying to geocode some map data using the google maps API.

By using the urllib I can get the JSON output;

I then read it using;
gmapiresult = json.loads(fg.read())
somedata = gmapiresult['Placemark']

result is; (somedata)
[{u'Point': {u'coordinates': [-73.986951000000005, 40.756053999999999,
0]}, u'ExtendedData': {u'LatLonBox': {u'west': -74.25909, u'east':
-73.699793, u'north': 40.917498999999999, u'south':
40.477383000000003}}, u'AddressDetails': {u'Country': {u'CountryName':
u'USA', u'AdministrativeArea': {u'AdministrativeAreaName': u'NY',
u'Locality': {u'LocalityName': u'New York'}}, u'CountryNameCode':
u'US'}, u'Accuracy': 4}, u'id': u'p1', u'address': u'New York, NY,

Can I further refine the data in "somedata" or am I reliant on string
all I need to get is the data in "coordinates".

I am not sure if this is a json problem or if I don't understand lists
well enough.

Thanks for any help.

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