finally successful in ods with python, just one help needed.

Krishnakant hackingkk at
Thu Mar 12 16:17:16 EDT 2009

Hello all specially John and Terry.

I finally got my way around odfpy and could manage the spreadsheet to
some extent.

However I now have a small but unexpected problem.

I would be very happy if some one could help me understand why is the
text not getting centered in the spreadsheet I create.

The cell merging is happening but no text centering in those merged

If any one is interested I can send my part of code snippid.
to just tell in short, it just has the sudo code as 
create document

create a style to set centered text 

create table and add rows to which cells are added.
the cell has a p (paragraph ) element with the style of centered text

cells are merged 

but no centering happens.

Please let me know if any one wanted me to send the code off the list.

Even better, if some one has a code snippid which can just do that.

happy hacking.

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