String to sequence
Tim Chase
python.list at
Sat Mar 14 16:30:29 EDT 2009
> How can I convert the following string:
> 'AAR','ABZ','AGA','AHO','ALC','LEI','AOC',
> EGC','SXF','BZR','BIQ','BLL','BHX','BLQ'
> into this sequence:
> ['AAR','ABZ','AGA','AHO','ALC','LEI','AOC',
> EGC','SXF','BZR','BIQ','BLL','BHX','BLQ']
Though several other options have come through:
>>> s = "'EGC','SXF','BZR','BIQ','BLL','BHX','BLQ'"
>>> import re
>>> r = re.compile("'([^']*)',?")
>>> r.findall(s)
['EGC', 'SXF', 'BZR', 'BIQ', 'BLL', 'BHX', 'BLQ']
If you want to get really fancy, you can use the built-in csv parser:
>>> import cStringIO
>>> st = cStringIO.StringIO(s)
>>> import csv
>>> class SingleQuoteDialect(csv.Dialect):
... quotechar = "'"
... quoting = csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL
... delimiter = ","
... doublequote = True
... escapechar = "\\"
... lineterminator = '\r\n'
... skipinitialspace = True
>>> r = csv.reader(st, dialect=SingleQuoteDialect)
['EGC', 'SXF', 'BZR', 'BIQ', 'BLL', 'BHX', 'BLQ']
This gives you control over how any craziness gets handled,
prescribing escaping, and allowing you to stream in the data from
a file if you need. However, if they're airport codes, I suspect
the easy route of just using a regex will more than suffice.
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