is there an easy way to parse a nested list ?
Stef Mientki
stef.mientki at
Mon Mar 16 16:49:26 EDT 2009
thanks Aaron, Paul and Vlastimil,
sorry I phrased my question wrong,
I was looking for parsing an expression of an element of a nested list
the code below seems to do what I'm looking for.
Aaron Brady wrote:
> On Mar 15, 6:44 pm, Stef Mientki <stef.mien... at> wrote:
>> hello,
>> I need to parse a nested list, given as a string, like this
>> line = " A [ B [ C+2 ] + 3 ] "
>> ( I probably can do it with find, but I guess that's not the most
>> elegant way, besides recusrion is not my strongest point)
>> which should be parsed so I get an list from inner to outer side (don't
>> know if these are the correct words),
>> but I should like to have a list or tuple for tis case:
>> parsed = [ C+2, B[C+2]+3, A [ B [ C+2 ] + 3 ] ]
>> or (last term is not needed, as well as the constants aren't)
>> parsed = [ C, B[C+2] ]
>> this all, to improve the improved error / exception message even more ;-)
>> thanks,
>> Stef
> Hi Stef,
> This looks like what you want:
> def parse_list( s, start= 0 ):
> x= []
> i= start
> while i< len( s ):
> c= s[ i ]
> if c== '[':
> y, i= parse_list( s, i+ 1 )
> x= x+ y
> if c== ']':
> return x+ [ s[start: i ] ], i
> i+= 1
> return x+ [ s ]
> line = " A [ B [ C+2 ] + 3 ] "
> print( parse_list( line ) )
> #[' C+2 ', ' B [ C+2 ] + 3 ', ' A [ B [ C+2 ] + 3 ] ']
> line = " A [ B [ C+2 ] [ D+2 ] + 3 ] "
> print( parse_list( line ) )
> #[' C+2 ', ' D+2 ', ' B [ C+2 ] [ D+2 ] + 3 ', ' A [ B [ C+2 ] [ D
> +2 ] + 3 ] ']
> ...So long as you don't have any brackets inside strings or what not.
> It just admits two special characters, '[' and ']'.
> --
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